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BB Glow or Not to BB Glow

To BB Glow or Not to BB Glow?

Over the recent months, there has been an ongoing controversial discussion among professionals about the safety of BB Glow microneedling and risks associated with this treatment. As with any beauty procedures, there is some of contraindications that may occur.
However,in general, potential side effects do not happen very often but if they do they are mostly minor.

In the latest article BB Glow: All You Need to Know About the Latest Korean Trend, we have introduced the BB Glow treatment more in depth. Today we will be looking at contraindications associated when undertaking this procedure, what to avoid before the treatment and what to do in order to gain the best outcomes possible.

BB glow before



Safety BB Glow

What has been discussed among professionals the most, is the safety of both the application procedure itself as well as BB Glow products that are applied directly into the skin. Further, BB Glow treatment has been criticised for involving micro needling into the skin in up to two-hour long procedure that has to be repeated over time.

However, the microneedling procedure is a minimally invasive and is considered 100% safe and effective for most people who are in overall good health. It is still important to remember though, likewise with any cosmetic treatment, it is essential to choose a certified and experienced professional. The Microneedling technology allows the specially developed DermaPen to apply the serum only under the first layer of the skin, therefore, no severe damage is likely to occur. Overall, the BB Glow treatment may be considered as comfortable but some clients might experience tingling and tightness in the skin during or for a few hours after the treatment.

Secondly, there have been concerns expressed regarding the safety of BB Glow products. As briefly touched in the previous article, all three brand products – Stayve, DM CELL Cosmetic and Physiolab Cosmetical, that we offer to our customers, are certified world-wide selling premium products and consists of natural ingredients. Furthermore, the BB Glow serums are free from:

- Alcohol
- Allergens
- Benzophenone
- Fragrances
- Formaldehyde
- Parabens
- Mineral Oils
- Synthetic colouring
- No animal testing involved


BB glow stayve

Last, not least, it is important to choose a certified and experienced professional such as licensed aesthetician or dermatologist to carry out the procedure.

Things to Consider

Despite the treatment being suitable for any type of skin such as dry, oily, pigmented or normal, it is important to note that it is not recommended to anybody. People who are not suitable for this procedure are those with any kind of skin condition including active acne skin or cystic acne, eczema, psoriasis, open wounds, pregnant and breastfeeding women, or anybody taking hormonal medication.

Contraindications BB Glow

When it comes to minor risks It is very likely that you experience a little redness, dryness, swelling, bruising, or flaking skin immediately after the procedures. These may last for a few you upcoming days.

Even though, potential side effects are mostly minor there is a variety of major short term and long-term issues associated with the procedure that may occur. Short-term issues could include problems such as infections, pigmentation irregularities, changes or allergic responses. Long-term issues may be associated with adverse effects on skin texture throughout the time with repeated applications or scarring.

In general, bleeding is not a common reaction after microneedling, however, it may happen after a deeper treatment or to those who are taking blood-thinning medications.

Before Treatment BB Glow

If you are concerned if the BB Glow treatment is suitable for you, we do recommend to discuss this with either your dermatologist or medical skincare professional who is experienced in these types of treatments in order to achieve the best possible outcomes and to minimise the risks. For example, certain types of medication, such as those for acne treatment or for blood-thinning, may need to be stopped taking beforehand to reduce the risk of side effects.

Furthermore, if you are concerned about an allergic reaction, a test treatment can be done to see how your skin reacts with BB creams application before the procedure. The test is usually done either on the neck or under the hairline.


BB glow after



After Treatment BB Glow

The change of the skin tone and decrease of pigmentation and other skin defects should be noticeable within 10 days from the treatment.

In general, you can carry on your daily routine and go to work or school after the procedure if you feel comfortable. However, your skin will be more sensitive, therefore, it is
recommended to avoid the following:

- No excessive facial cleansing for a minimum of 24 hours in order to allow the creams
to settle underneath the skin
- No skin touching for a minimum of 12 hours
- 3 days with no Retin-A products applications
- 5 days with no make-up or skin peel
- 7 days with no swimming or gym
- 14 days with no direct heat including sunbathing, sauna, or sunbed

The longer you do not use any facial products the better because the skin needs time to heal and regenerate, hence, using foundation products may prevent the skin to regenerate as fast or with such positive outcome.

Because the skin may get dry and irritated after the procedure we do recommend an application of moisturising and nourishing cream BB Glow STAYVE Repair Cream for Face
and Body which is designed to heal, regenerate and revitalise irritated post-treatment skin.


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